Dust Blaster
Savage Garden
Photo: Christo Crocker
Dust Blaster presents three new works; an assemblage featuring an electric leaf blower vacuum (the kind used to futilely blow debris from one suburban yard to the next), a readymade mini desktop blower vacuum (a peculiar product designed for maintaining the anywhere-workspace of the immaterial labourer), and a found object in the form of a Dyson vacuum motor filter (taken from my home vacuum and clogged with dust/skin and hair). The mini blower is left on, powered by the gallerist’s computer in the home-office adjacent the gallery space.
Deirdre Cannon, Dust Blaster
Dust Blaster
Mini Desktop Blower Vacuum, 30m USB extension cable, gallerist’s home computer.
16 x 8 x 5.5 cm
Post New Ryobi RESV2200T
Ryobi RESV2200T Electric Leaf Blower Vacuum, fluorescent lights, acrylic.
142 x 20 x 40 cm
Dyson vacuum motor filter.
14 cm ⌀
Memo Review